
Ask Me Anything Replay with jQuery

This month’s AMA featured maintainers from the jQuery project. Jory Burson, OpenJS Foundation Community Manager, moderated the discussion with Dave Methvin and Timmy Willison.

Ask Me Anything Replay with jQuery

This month’s AMA featured maintainers from the jQuery project. Jory Burson, OpenJS Foundation Community Manager, moderated the discussion with Dave Methvin and Timmy Willison. Dave Methvin has been a contributor to the jQuery project since 2006, and led many project initiatives during his 14-year history with the project, notably leading releases for core versions 1.7-2.1.  Timmy Willison has been a jQuery Core Team member since 2011, and its Core Team Lead since 2015. Timmy is also the Lead Front-End Engineer at Spokestack.

If you are interested in supporting or becoming involved, there are a few ways to do so!
1. Check out the project’s GitHub repo and look for “help wanted tags”
2. Keep your versions of jQuery, especially if you are on 1 or 2. There are tools like jQuery migrate to help. If you are using migrate, take it out for production.  

For more insights, check out the full replay below.

The next AMA features thewebhintteam and is happening March 4, 2020 at 9 am PT. To submit your questions, go tothis form.

Want to get caught up on previous installments? Check out the links below:
Node.js Http/Streams
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