
What’s New With Node? Interview With Bethany Griggs, Node.js Technical Steering Committee

In a recent interview with DZone, Bethany Griggs, Node.js Technical Steering Committee member and Open-source Engineer at IBM gave some insight into the recent Node.js v14 release as well as the latest in Node.js overall.

What’s New With Node? Interview With Bethany Griggs, Node.js Technical Steering Committee

Bethany Griggs

In a recent interview with DZoneBethany Griggs, Node.js Technical Steering Committee member and Open-source Engineer at IBM gave some insight into the recent Node.js v14 release as well as the latest in Node.js overall. Topics covered include changes with the project pertaining to contributor onboarding, getting started in Node.js, challenges, and highlights of Node.js v14. Node.js is an impact project of the OpenJS Foundation.

Bethany has been a Node Core Collaborator for over two years. She contributes to the open-source Node.js runtime and is a member of the Node.js Release Working Group where she is involved with auditing commits for the long-term support (LTS) release lines and the creation of releases. 

Bethany presents and runs workshops at international conferences, including at NodeSummit, London Node.js User Group, and NodeConfEU.

Read the full article here: