
OpenJS World Keynote: Reaching Your Dreams In Tech and Science – Christina H. Koch, NASA Astronaut

During the OpenJS Foundation global conference, OpenJS World, we heard from many inspiring leaders. In this keynote series, we will highlight the key points from the keynote videos.

OpenJS World Keynote: Reaching Your Dreams In Tech and Science – Christina H. Koch, NASA Astronaut

During the OpenJS Foundation global conference, OpenJS World, we heard from many inspiring leaders. In this keynote series, we will highlight the key points from the keynote videos. 

Robin Ginn, OpenJS Foundation Executive Director,  hosted a Q and A with astronaut Christina H. Koch, NASA Astronaut, on reaching her dreams in STEM on June 25th, 2020. The interview begins with a presentation by Koch and then opens into a Q&A. Koch touches on what life is like in outer space as an international crew member of the ISS among other topics. The Q&A ranges from questions about being a female in STEM to how life on the ISS mirrored the world we live in today. This galactic keynote can help serve young people – particularly young women – interested in STEM to feel impassioned about the science they can create. 

You can watch the full interview here: 

Full Video Here

Introductions (0:00)

Where We Are Today In Space Travel (2:13)

Coming Back To Earth (11:00)

Software In Space (16:40)

Do You Have Wifi In Space? Can You Use StackOverflow? (17:53)

What’s the sharing culture like at NASA? (19:24)

How Has Aerospace Benefited From Open Source?  (20:29)

Are There Security Attacks in Space?  (21:13)

How Did University Prepare You to be an Astronaut? (23:00)

Advice to Women in Tech (24:35)

Space Walk Talk (28:50)

What Do You Miss About the ISS, Given The State Of The World Today? (31:20)

What Is The Hardest Technical Issue You Solved? (32:08)

What’s a Good Day at Work for You? (34:17)

In addition to this keynote, Christina also participated in an interview with Jason Perlow of the Linux Foundation. Read the entire post here. Thanks again to Christina for sharing her inspiring story and for all she does to advance science in space!