
Electron ships v11

The Electron team is excited to announce the release of Electron 11.0.0!

Electron ships v11

This post was written by Keeley Hammond.

The Electron team is excited to announce the release of Electron 11.0.0! You can install Electron v11 with npm via `npm install electron@latest` or download it from our releases website. The release is packed with upgrades, fixes, and features.

What’s New?

Some highlights from the Electron 11.0.0 release include:

  • Support for Apple M1: On November 10, Apple announced their new M1 chips, which will be included in their upcoming hardware. Beginning in Electron 11, Electron will be shipping separate versions of Electron for Intel Macs (x64) and Apple’s upcoming M1 hardware (arm64). You can learn more about how to get your Electron app running on Apple’s M1 hardware here.
  • Improved the performance of sending wide objects over the context bridge.
  • Added V8 crash message and location information to crashReport parameters.

To read more about Electron 11.0.0, please read the blog here written by the Electron team.

Electron Release Schedule

Although we are careful not to make promises about release dates, our plan is to release new major versions of Electron with new versions of those components approximately quarterly. The tentative 12.0.0 schedule maps out key dates in the Electron 12.0 development life cycle. See our versioning document for more detailed information about versioning in Electron.

You can find more info on previous Electron Releases here: 

For information on planned breaking changes in upcoming versions of Electron, see our Planned Breaking Changes doc.