
AMA Recap from the Node.js Technical Steering Committee

Members of the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) for Node.js gave an informative AMA, which you can watch below.

AMA Recap from the Node.js Technical Steering Committee

Members of the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) for Node.js gave an informative AMA, which you can watch below. Speakers include Michael Dawson (@mhdawson1), Matteo Collina (@matteocollina), Gireesh Punathil (@gireeshpunam), Gabriel Schulhof (@gabrielschulhof), Bethany Griggs (@BethGriggs_), Colin Ihrig (@cjihrig), and Myles Borins (@MylesBorins).

Full video here

In this AMA, the TSC took questions from the live chat and gave insight into how they got involved. Questions ranged from whether Node.js is good for image processing to thoughts on Deno. The TSC focused on a mix of preexisting and user generated questions.

Beginning with suggestions on how to get involved with Node and ending on the same note, this AMA can inspire individuals to join Node.js.

Video by Section

Introductions (1:08)

How to Get Involved (4:48)

When To Update Your LTS? (13:45)

Is Node Good For Image Processing Applications? (34:45)

Upcoming 14RX (42:00)

What Do You Think About Deno? (44:20)

Yarn v2 Module (51:07)

Wrap Up (53:55)

Our next AMA will feature OpenJS Project NodeRED! Submit your questions for the NodeRED team here!