
From OpenJS World 2022: Reading the Spec – Hemanth HM, PayPal & Jordan Harband, Coinbase

Hemanth HM, Engineering Manager at PayPal, and Jordan Harband, Staff Developer Relations Engineer at Coinbase, presented a session on Reading the Spec and other Javascript functions.

From OpenJS World 2022: Reading the Spec – Hemanth HM, PayPal & Jordan Harband, Coinbase

Hemanth HM, Engineering Manager at PayPal, and Jordan Harband, Staff Developer Relations Engineer at Coinbase, presented a session on Reading the Spec and other Javascript functions. Hemanth and Jordan walked through live coding with various language APIs in JavaScript. 

Both speakers gave an overview and walk the audience through the associated specification to give a deeper insight into the language and its constructs. Both share foundational skills required to read and understand the spec, translate spec to code, and more! 

Full session available here: To view all of the keynotes and sessions from the conference, please visit the OpenJS YouTube Channel.

Main Sections:  

0:00 Introduction

2:54 Algorithm conventions

5:24 Runtime semantics

13:26 Demo with Q&A

1:04:39 Engine 262 and closing

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