
From OpenJS World 2022: Welcome & Opening Remarks – Robin Ginn & Chris Gervang

In the first recap of our OpenJS World Keynote Series, we’ll highlight the opening remarks from OpenJS World 2022.

From OpenJS World 2022: Welcome & Opening Remarks – Robin Ginn & Chris Gervang

In the first recap of our OpenJS World Keynote Serieswe’ll highlight the opening remarks from OpenJS World 2022. To view all of the keynotes from the conference, please visit the OpenJS YouTube Channel.

In this recorded keynote, Robin Ginn, executive director of the OpenJS Foundation, and Chris Gervang, Senior Software Engineer, Visualization at Joby Aviation, give the opening remarks at the OpenJS World 2022, held in Austin, TX, June 6-10, 2022. Robin started the keynote by welcoming the audience to take a step back and take a look at their previous work. Robin emphasized the importance of looking back to make an impact without losing perspective. Robin shares a personal experience touching on some historical background and difficulties encountered in the open source community. She then proceeded to emphasize the importance of lifting each other up in communities. 

Chris Gervang followed the talk by giving a brief introduction of himself and sharing some of his work in Open Source. He also welcomes the community members who have joined the OpenJS Foundation. In his keynote, Chris notes the importance of community engagement for project sustainability. Additionally, Chris and Robin announced the Javascript security collaboration and the movement of two projects and VS.GL to the OpenJS Foundation. Robin finished off the presentation by touching on the themes of open governance, stability, and security, and the announcement of the new OpenJS Open Visualization Collaboration Space

Full keynote available here: 

Main Sections:

0:00 Introduction 

1:38 Welcome

2:35 Historical perspective

4:33 Opportunity to pause

5:07 Your work matters

9:40 Introducing: Chris Gervang and Joby Aviation

17:52 Community engagement for project sustainability

18:47 Open governance, stability and security

20:39 Announcing Javascript security collaboration space

23:52 JavaScriptLandia

25:57 Thank you!

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