
LoopBack Joins OpenJS Foundation As New Incubating Project

LoopBack is a popular Node.js framework for API creation and a platform to build large-scale Node.js applications using proven patterns with TypeScript and with support for SOAP and enterprise databases.

LoopBack Joins OpenJS Foundation As New Incubating Project

LoopBack is the newest incubating project at the OpenJS Foundation

LoopBack is a popular Node.js framework for API creation and a platform to build large-scale Node.js applications using proven patterns with TypeScript and with support for SOAP and enterprise databases. Today, IBM announced it is contributing LoopBack to the OpenJS Foundation, trusting that the project will continue to grow and thrive with support from the community’s active core of developers. As it stands today, nearly half of all Loopback pull requests come from its community contributors outside of IBM.

“We are thrilled to welcome LoopBack into the OpenJS Foundation. As the vendor-neutral home to almost 40 open source projects, The OpenJS Foundation exists to sustain the JavaScript ecosystem on a global scale,” said Robin Ginn, OpenJS Foundation executive director. “We look forward to providing resources and support to LoopBack to help their community grow.”

“LoopBack joining as an incubating project is an important addition to the Foundation,” said IBM’s Joe Sepi, who is also the chairperson of the OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council. “LoopBack is a great example of how interconnected JavaScript technologies can be and it’s always great to welcome new projects into the fold. On behalf of the OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council, I am happy to welcome LoopBack to the foundation.”

LoopBack makes it easy to create a REST API with minimal coding. LoopBack provides a consistent way to design and implement APIs, including the REST layer, models, and ORM. These are all valuable benefits LoopBack presents as APIs enable businesses to expand the reach of their products and services to audiences of developers who consume those APIs.  Current users of LoopBack include GoDaddy, Symantec, IBM and others. 

Why Join OpenJS?

LoopBack was created in 2013 as the API economy and Node.js were taking flight. Since then, the open source project has reached a steady level of contributor diversity and product stability. Currently, LoopBack gets approximately 180K monthly downloads. Joining the OpenJS Foundation will help the open source project continue to grow in a vendor-neutral space with an open governance model. 

“We’re excited for the next chapter of LoopBack with the OpenJS Foundation as its new home,” said Raymond Feng, Co-founder and CTO at Abridged, Inc. “This is the thrilling moment that touches me professionally and personally as I have been developing, maintaining, and evangelizing the framework ever since I created LoopBack with Albert and Ritchie at StrongLoop in 2013.” Adds Feng, “ By betting Node.js as the great platform for API economy, we built LoopBack to help developers create APIs and Microservices in JavaScript/TypeScript that connect to databases, services, and infrastructure with minimal coding. I’m grateful that StrongLoop and IBM’s investment and sponsorship made it possible for LoopBack to continue to innovate and grow in past 8 years.”  Beyond the value of framework itself, LoopBack’s leadership has strived to build a diverse open source community and develop contributors and maintainers for the project. OpenJS Foundation is a natural next step for LoopBack as it truly reflects the project’s culture of collaboration and commitment to further grow the project and community under the open governance. 

Incubating projects under the OpenJS Foundation are projects that are in the process of completing their on-boarding checklist to join the foundation. There are currently more than 37 open source projects under the OpenJS Foundation umbrella.


The OpenJS Foundation provides a wide range of resources for organizations and individuals involved in the adoption and ongoing development of key JavaScript solutions and related technologies.