
OpenJS World 2022 – Here’s what you missed!

Earlier this month, we hosted OpenJS World, the OpenJS Foundation’s event bringing together the JavaScript and web development community.

OpenJS World 2022 – Here’s what you missed!

Earlier this month, we hosted OpenJS World, the OpenJS Foundation’s event bringing together the JavaScript and web development community. Our event covered an incredibly wide array of technical and community topics, focusing on testing and security, and open visualization with the announcement that the Urban Computing Foundation (UCF) is merging with OpenJS. 

Chris Gervang, Joby Aviation, on new OpenJS Open Visualization Collab Space

Rachel Nabors, AWS, on The Human API, Building Your Project’s Second Source of Truth

Feross Aboukhadijeh, Socket, on JavaScript Supply Chain Security

Standards panel: Robin Ginn, OpenJS; James Snell, Cloudflare; Jordan Harband, Open Source maintainer; Christian Bromann, Stateful

We hope everyone enjoyed the conference whether you attended virtually or in person with us in Austin! For those who did not attend the event, we have the conference keynotes and sessions available on our YouTube channel for you to watch back.

In security, Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) selected Node.js as its initial project to improve supply chain security. Node.js is the first open source community to be supported by OpenSSF’s Alpha-Omega Project. Alpha-Omega committed $300k to bolster the Node.js security team and vulnerability remediation efforts through the rest of 2022, with a focus on supporting better open source security standards and practices.

In testing, the OpenJS Foundation recently announced that popular JavaScript testing framework Jest is joining as an Impact Project. Jest and its assets are being donated by Meta Open Source. 


Day One kicked off with Robin Ginn, OpenJS Foundation Executive Director welcoming everyone. She was joined by Chris Gervang, Senior Visualization Engineer at Joby Aviation to announce that OpenJS was adding UCF to its foundation family through the new OpenJS Open Visualization Collaboration Space. UCF has for years been a forum for developers to collaborate on a common set of open source tools connecting cities, people, and mobility. 

Other keynote speakers included:

Additionally, we featured more than 40 breakout sessions across a variety of topics from AI to application development and project-specific talks. All of these are available on demand.

OpenJS World News

We showcased several announcements at the conference that reinforce our community’s goals in testing, security and visualization. See below, as well as on our Day 1 blog for more details.

OpenJS Foundation Welcomes Urban Computing Foundation

The OpenJS Foundation announced that the Urban Computing Foundation (UCF) has partnered with OpenJS to form the Open Visualization Collaboration Space. The Open Visualization Collaboration Space provides a place to openly govern the most comprehensive and widely adopted visualization libraries based on WebGL. UCF is also merging its day-to-day operations and budgets into OpenJS where it will govern these projects and more under the new OpenJS Open Visualization Collaboration Space. Two of its most popular visualization projects – and – are moving under the umbrella of the OpenJS Foundation.

Foursquare, HERE Technologies, Joby Aviation and Uber join The OpenJS Foundation

OpenJS has welcomed four UCF members who are now members of the OpenJS Foundation: Foursquare, HERE Technologies, Joby Aviation, and Uber. Open visualization technologies are core to each of these companies’ leadership positions in the market, and by supporting the foundation, they are supporting the infrastructure and long-term growth of key open source projects that they rely on.​

Announcing our First Ever JavaScriptLandia Awards

The OpenJS Foundation celebrated 6 key community leaders, honoring them with the first ever JavaScriptLandia Awards for contributions to education, standards, security and more. Award winners were recognized onstage at OpenJS World and received a plaque and digital badge.

JavaScriptLandia is the home of the OpenJS Foundation’s individual supporter program, where community members can pledge support for OpenJS projects, maintainers, and get more involved in the community while earning badges and other perks.

Congratulations to this year’s recipients, and read more about each of them in our JavaScriptLandia blog.

  • Bethany Griggs – Unsung Hero 
  • Matteo Collina – Leading By Example
  • Darshan Sen – Outstanding Contribution from a New Arrival
  • Tzviya Siegman – Pathfinder Award for Standards 
  • Liran Tal – Pathfinder Award for Security 
  • Wes Bos – Pathfinder Award for Education 

Matteo Collina, Leading by Example Award

Bethany Griggs, Unsung Hero Award

Jest Joins the OpenJS Foundation as an Impact Project

Prior to the conference, we recently announced that popular JavaScript testing framework Jest is joining as an Impact Project. Jest and its assets are being donated proudly by Meta Open Source. Jest is a JavaScript testing framework. It allows you to write tests with an API with little configuration.

Thank you

We’d also like to share a big thank you to this year’s sponsors who made this event possible. Thanks to Diamond Sponsor IBM and jFrog, Platinum Sponsor Nearform, Gold Sponsor Influx Data, Silver Sponsors Bloomberg, Hasura, MariaDB and Red Hat, Bronze Sponsor Stellate, and Diversity Scholarship Sponsor nStudio.

Thanks IBM, Diamond Sponsor!

Thanks NearForm, Gold Sponsor!

We hope to see everyone next year!