
OpenJS World: IBM Day of Workshops on June 3!

IBM, a Platinum member of the OpenJS Foundation, will be hosting a day of workshops on June 3, the day after OpenJS World keynotes and sessions go live.

OpenJS World: IBM Day of Workshops on June 3!

IBM, a Platinum member of the OpenJS Foundation, will be hosting a day of workshops on June 3, the day after OpenJS World keynotes and sessions go live. This is a great opportunity to learn from experts who work on the Node.js platform and who build robust Node.js applications in the field. 

Beyond the amazing talks and keynotes at the OpenJS World event and the IBM workshops and resources as well, you can always find lots of useful information at: IBM Developer.

The workshop will run from 7 am PDT to 12 pm PDT and will include a variety of talks from the Node.js and JavaScript community. 

Those interested in attending the IBM workshops can register here, as part of the OpenJS World registration. If you’ve already registered for OpenJS World, you can add the workshop by modifying your registration. 

Schedule and Prerequisites
The IBM Day of Workshops will feature some incredible hands-on opportunities for the community. Below is the schedule with the list of prerequisites so attendees can get the most out of these workshops. 

Register today for the OpenJS World IBM Day of Workshops!